The Christian faith brings people together, one with another, despite vast differences in life experience and background. Our society is more characterized by break-up, isolation and division, but the wonderful Christian message of reconciliation to God and then to one another through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ is the essential hallmark of what makes us FATHER’S SONG.

We are a vocal band of over 30 men drawn from a number of different churches in and around Glasgow, and FATHER’S SONG provides a place for the public expression of our thankfulness and praise to God for His love, mercy and grace. We really do want to sing, to shout and to lift up our hands in praise to God!


Being men of faith means that we are convinced that, in today’s tough world, sharing and expressing the truths of our faith is a powerful declaration of what God can do in a person’s life. We celebrate the impact and change that the Christian gospel brings to the lives and priorities of ordinary men from the West of Scotland.

Today, we want to direct attention away from ourselves to Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. Everything we need is found in Him. He is the One!

“How wonderful… when brothers get along” PSALM 133:1

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